OSHA COVID-19 Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements

What OSHA COVID-19 Guidelines Apply to Your Business?

OSHA COVID-19 recordkeeping and reporting requirements have changed, based on new guidelines released by OSHA on March 12, 2021.

The Updated Interim Enforcement Response Plan for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) provides the new guidelines for:

  • Complaints
  • Referrals
  • Severe illness reports

These guidelines are time-limited to the current coronavirus public health crisis.

Does OSHA COVID-19 Recordkeeping and Reporting Apply to Your Business?

Many businesses fall under OSHA authority. Exempt businesses include:

  • Businesses regulated by different federal statutes (for example, nuclear power and mining companies)
  • Domestic services employees
  • Businesses that do not engage in interstate commerce
  • Farms where only immediate family members are employees

Employers under OSHA authority have the obligation of reporting COVID-19 cases that meet all of the following requirements:

  • As defined by the CDC, a case confirmed as COVID-19
  • A work-related case (contagion occurred at work)
  • When the following criteria relate to the case: medical treatment beyond first-aid, one or more days spent away from work, restricted work or transfer to another job, death or loss of consciousness, significant illness diagnosed by a physician or licensed health professional

Frequently Asked Questions About OSHA Record Reporting

How do you report a work-related injury or illness that results in the employee’s death?

  • The OSHA 300 Log contains a space for cases resulting in death. You must check mark the space in the log and report it to OSHA within eight hours.

How do you record a work-related illness that results in days away from work?

  • In the OSHA 300 Log, you must check mark in the space related to this category and enter the number of calendar days away from work in the “days” column.

Do you count the day the illness began?

  • The day after the illness occurred at work counts as the first day away from work.

For more FAQs about reporting, see this OSHA page on recording and reporting.

As an Employer, Do You Have Concerns about COVID-19 in the Workplace?

Discuss your concerns with an experienced employment law defense attorney. Call (718) 275-6500 to arrange an appointment with Stephen D. Hans & Associates, P.C.