The Pendulum Swings on NY Theft Protection Act Requirements

Author: Stephen D. Hans

Now that the Theft Protection Act has gone into effect, legislators realize that wage notices place a burden on business owners and workers. In an effort to restore the right regulatory balance, actions are in motion for repeal. Assemblyman Dennis Gabryszak and Senator John DeFrancisco are initiating the repeal. Even Senator Diane Savino, the most proactive champion of the Wage Theft Prevention Act agrees that the act is overkill and has spoken with the NY labor commissioner to see about eradicating the rule short of passing another law.

Current act requirements  reported that in addition to employers having to notify workers of their pay, a duplicative action because most pay stubs contain this information, the law requires workers to sign the wage notices.

This activity created the following added expenses and work for the following institutions:

*         Syracuse University had 5,100 workers verify pay information online

*         O’Brien & Gere engineers mailed notices to 600 of its NY workers

*         St. Joseph’s Hospital Health Center spent $4,000 mailing notices to its workers

In an effort to ensure low wage workers received their rightful pay and bring unlawful employers under control, the pendulum swung too far and ended up penalizing the majority of already compliant employers.

Until the law is repealed, lawyers must still comply with this new rule under the Theft Protection Act.

Stay in touch with your New York labor lawyer  to ensure you meet regulation requirements and stay up-to-date with the latest labor law changes.