Onsite Work vs. Remote Work

Pros & Cons about where workers work Post-pandemic, many employers are wrestling with where employees should work: onsite work vs. remote work. There are advantages and disadvantages for each option, not to mention industries and work situations differ. What are the advantages of onsite work? According to shrm.org , different executives have weighed in, explaining that some of the pros of onsite work include: Boosts in productivity for some job roles Ability for executives and managers to check and assess the work more easily Employee interaction that fosters working relationships and builds trust More successful collaboration Greater ability for employees to advance within the organization Advancement that tends to drive morale and productivity Easier for brainstorming ideas Increased socialization, which is more vital for new employees What are the pros of onsite work from the employees’ perspective? Seyfarth at Work conducted a survey of more than 500 employees who worked in companies of all sizes during the pandemic. These were some of the results as to what employees felt they were missing by working remotely: In-person workplace conversations (answered by 61%) The daily, regular structure of reporting to a worksite (42%) Happy hours and lunches with co-workers (40%) Fewer interruptions by children during the workday (37%) Other benefits were that worksites provide easy access to equipment, supplies and technology. What are some of the advantages of remote work? Some of the advantages for working remotely from employees’ perspectives included: More flexible schedules Better schedules for customer service, sales, content creation and IT workers 70% of workers wanted more flexible future schedules As an employer, do you have legal questions...